Explore projects
Project by Bram Dijkers and supervised by Michael Behrisch (05/22)
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Zwietering,P.H. (Philippe) / Thesis code
MIT License(Very messy) codebase for my Master's thesis project on semi-supervised point cloud classification using label diffusion lidar segmentation
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Creators: Floris Roos and Jos Zuijderwijk. Creating a classifier to choose the best modularity seeking algorithm on graphs.
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BSC project done by Joep Robben on "Deep learning steerable projections using a supervised modular neural network", Supervised by Michael Behrisch
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Using Graph Embeddings for Matrix Reordering
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Bangma,M. (Mathijs) / INFOMOV-Assignment1
Creative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalUpdated -
Small 3D engine visualizing a scene graph using rasterization.
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Example GitBook site using GitLab Pages: https://pages.gitlab.io/gitbook
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Repo for my thesis where I apply outlier detection techniques with energy grid data
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